<prTag> can eliminate the clipboard - wouldn't that be nice!
Why do I always have to filled out those forms on the clipboard?
Even when I make a repeat visit to the same physician, I am given the clipboard again.
How can I be sure that I get the details correct every time?
There must be a better way. Healthcare providers should be able to share information - as long as they respect my privacy wishes - there may be some healthcare information I want to be able to make available to only certain providers.
What does GPII offer?
GPII offers services that improve operations for both patients and providers.
- Registration for an encounter can be made as simple and as rapid as an ATM transaction - no more clipboard
- The incidence of errors such as lost information can be dramatically reduced
- The incidence of problems such as identity theft is reduced
- The patient plays a key role in creating and maintaining a comprehensive and accurate patient record
GPII also enables patients to manage the privacy of healthcare data.
- Patients can make their own decisions about what information should be available to each of their caregivers and what should be restricted
- Each patient can make privacy decisions independent of other patients
- Patients can change their privacy wishes over time to meet new medical and social requirements
- If privacy errors occur they can be easily and rapidly corrected